Nuclear dumping ANYWHERE in the UK?? The Infrastructure Planning (Radioactive Waste Geologial Disposal Facilities) Order 2015 is being debated in the Lords today (Weds 25 Feb), and if passed, it will allow central govt to force ANYWHERE in England to accept nuclear waste being dumped in boreholes, without any consent by local people. Currently local councils can veto this, and they have, in the past, so the Government is going to take that power away from them, so that they can’t do anything about it. Cumbria rejected dumping at the edge of the Lake District much to the Governments annoyance. So they want to change the law. Many people think that the logical extension of this is that boreholes which have been made for fracking will be used as nuclear dumps afterwards. The Infrastructure Act allows “any substance” to be left in fracking wells without our consent. Please spread the word about this and contact any Lord to ask them not to approve this Order. Twitter is a good way, but you will be able to find their email addresses on the Govt website too (