AGF are putting a call out to all events organisers considering entering this years A Greener Festival Awards.
Since 2007 the awards scheme has grown beyond our expectations. Now more than 40 festivals in over 20 countries require in excess of 60 volunteers throughout the year. With this growth has come the need to change the process. It has become increasingly difficult to deal with last minute applications therefore to enable the team to fulfill requests we are asking for your help. The new process requires organisers to register their intent to apply by sending an email to before 30 April 2013. Shortly after the deadline an invoice will be issued and we will look into assessors availability. It is now a requirement to complete the self-assessment form and settle the application fee at least one month prior to the event.
To download the self-assessment form and guidelines go to:
The new process will enable the team to attend more events and encourage organisers to make an early pledge to lessen the impact of their events. If you have any questions about the awards or getting involved, please get in touch.
Happy greening, Hel x