EventExpo, Hungary

//EventExpo, Hungary

EventExpo, Hungary

EventExpo, the trade exhibition related to event organising and event technology, will be held again, this year on 20 – 21 October 2010 in Budapest, Hungary.  The third Event Expo features the whole spectrum of products and services needed for the successful hosting of an event. The most important event exhibition in Central Europe (in particular for Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania and Hungary) will offer everything from promotional gifts through to communications agencies to sound and lighting equipment. In 2010, Event Expo will be broadening its scope by introducing another innovation,  a focus on a specific theme or area in order to actively promote the demonstration of new, advanced technologies and ideas, as well as to help clients and service providers prepare for the upcoming trends. This year, the event is focusing on green events,  highlighting the technology and methods required to organise an event with the lowest impact on the environment  as possible. AGreenerFestival co-founder Ben Challis will be speaking at the Expo on THURSDAY 21st OCTOBER at 11.30am. The British Ambassador in Hungary, Greg Dorey, will also be speaking at the Expo on Wednesday October 20th, again at 11.30am.

EventExpo offers foreign exhibitors and speakers, prominent Hungarian stakeholders of event organising and presentations from regulatory authorities to those who are seeking ideas, service providers, new or green solutions for their events with a visitor count ranging from a few up as high as tens of thousands. Visitors may attend the event free of charge; further information and a detailed schedule can be found online. This year, Hungexpo hosts two other events at the same time as Event Expo: the hotel, catering and gastro-technology trade exhibition, Hoventa, as well as the most important event on business travel, the Business Travel Show. Therefore, visitors can attend not one but three exhibitions in one place

http://en.eventexpo.hu/ with pages in  Hungarian – English – Slovak – Romanian (full schedule only available in Hungarian at the time of writing).

A Greener Festival keretében megpróbáltunk olyan zenei és művészeti fesztiválokat létrehozni, mely környezetbarát, vagyis csökkenti az üvegházhatású gáz kibocsátást az eseményeken. A harc az éghajlat cserélődése ellen egy olyan dolog, mely hatással van az emberiségre most, és lesz a jövőbeni generációkra is, ezért szeretnénk tiszteletünket kifejezni erőfeszítéseikért. Reméljük, hogy weblapunk, a www.agreenfestival.com hasznos kikapcsolódással lát el mindenkit és mindemellett elkalauzolhatjuk Önöket a Julies Bicycle weboldalra a www.juliesbicycle.com  mely értékes és hitelt érdemlő kutatások eredményeit tartalmazza az üvegházhatású gázok kibocsátásáról a zeneiparban.

By |2016-11-01T15:05:44+00:00October 18th, 2010|AGF Blog|