Are storm clouds gathering for renewable energy?
Its seems that the UK government’s plans to meet renewable energy targets are ‘Gone With the Wind’ after news that Iberdrola Renewables, the Spanish company that is the world biggest investor in wind energy plans to reduce investment in UK renewable electricity by 40% from a high of E700 million to a reduced E400 million. Iberdrola blames the drop on the world’s economic crisis and said it was committed to the UK sustainable energy market but tellingly their chairman also said that planning delays and complications as well as problems connecting to the national grid were also factors. Doug Parr, the chief scientist of Greenpeace, said the UK renewables industry was moving “at a snail’s pace” and called for urgent action by the Government to accelerate its plans for a green energy revolution. “It really is a case of getting off their backsides and doing what they said they were going to do”, Dr Parr said.
But Energy Minister Mike O’Brien hit back at claims that the Government was failing to deliver on an ambitious plan to foster a green energy revolution by building thousands of onshore and offshore wind turbines telling a meeting of renewable-energy chiefs that he was determined that Britain would meet its goal of generating as much as 35 per cent of all UK electricity from wind, wave and solar power by 2020, up from less than 5 per cent at present. It is estimated that £100 billion in investment is needed to meet these targets.
See: Ministers pore over incentives to save growth in green energy http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/natural_resources/article5983602.ece